Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Special Issue of JPRR on Social Media -- More details

Manuscripts for the special issue are due to the Journal of Public Relations Research manuscript central site at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/hprr by September 1, 2009. (See prior post for call for submissions.)

If you've been invited to serve as a reviewer, please enter "social media" as a keyword when you create/update your reviewer profile.

If you are submitting a manuscript, please note at the top of the abstract and in the appropriate space in the online submission form that the submission is a "candidate for the special issue on social media."

Also, if you know of anyone else doing research in this area who would be good to review or to submit work, please let me know or ask them to get in touch with me. I need all the help I can get to make this important issue of JPRR go over as well as it deserves to.


1 comment:

Hossein Emami said...

Hi, Dear Mr. Kelleher
After the presidential elections in Iran showed that events occurred in social media can be much stronger than other media to practice. Despite the censorship of news in Iran but Facebook and Tweeter and citizen journalism were the main source of satellite news networks.
Iran's leaders understand the power of social media.
I'm always reader your blog.
You can find my blog with Google translation service in English. (tnx google)
Best regards,
Hossein Emami
Ph.D Student of Communication in Iran